Freechip New Member 2020

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BONUS FREECHIP IMLEK UNTUK 50 MEMBER PERTAMA (EVENT FACEBOOK) Bonus Freechip Imlek Togel berlaku pada tanggal 24 – 26 Januari 2020. Bonus hanya berlaku untuk 50 MEMBER PERTAMA. Bonus yang diberikan bernilai Rp. Harus gabung dengan grup Facebook TOGEL55. Harus share postingan ke 5 Grup Facebook lainnya dan di beranda sendiri. Membership invitations were extended to 24 real estate advisory professionals at the meeting of the Invitation Committee which met virtually in the Fall of 2020.While we are excited by the number of new members the organization has invited, we particularly celebrate the breadth of experience, new skill sets, and diversity in its many forms represented within our newest class of invitees.

AM FRESH Group is a fresh food business founded in 1931 in Murcia, Spain. Now a third-generation family owned company, AM FRESH is focused on leading innovation and varietal development through biotechnology, extensive agriculture and marketing of citrus fruits, table grapes, tropical fruits, vegetables, fresh plant-based foods and freshly squeezed juices.

AM FRESH joined the Cool Farm Alliance to implement the Cool Farm Tool (CFT) for their own growing operations and agricultural supply chains. Next to their plan to perform measurements of greenhouse gas emissions and waste, AM FRESH was closely involved in the development and testing of the new Mediterranean and Semi-Arid Biome Biodiversity model of the CFT which will be released shortly. Another interest is the development of the metric for perennial crops.

Avebe U.A.

Avebe U.A. is global market leader in potato starch and protein production. Avebe joined the CFA in March 2020 and as cooperative aspires to engage their growers to use the Cool Farm Tool for GHG emission evaluation, to create awareness and insights for good practice. In addition, Avebe supports the inclusion of the CFT-calculator in the farm management systems used by coop growers.

As presented during our recent AGM, Avebe's Sustainability Director Peter-Erik Ywema has also started an initiative of Dutch arable crop producers, trade organizations, the BO Akkerbouw, and other existing CFA members to launch a working group and invest in the needs of Dutch users with regards to the Cool Farm Tool.

Barfoots of Botley started life as a small family farm over 40 years ago with a handful of people and a modest range of crops. Today, they are a global farming and food business working thousands of acres and employing thousands of people around the world to grow, process, pack and market a range of fresh produce. Their sustainable practices range from applying minimum tillage systems, controlled traffic farming and cover crops to producing energy from and being fully powered by their sweetcorn factory waste.

Following their ‘Net zero' strategy, Barfoots joined the Cool Farm Alliance not only to assess GHG emissions of their operations and supply chain sites across over 20 countries but also to explore the food loss & waste metric for their farms and processing plants in the UK as well as Spain, Senegal and Peru.

Bayer CropScience is committed to a world in which biodiversity thrives in harmony with humankind, where farms are more sustainable, and growing crops are more adaptive and resilient, to help increase economic prosperity for all families and their communities; in short where agriculture is part of the solution to many of the planet's biggest challenges. Bayer CropScience has made bold commitments to sustainable agriculture to drive impact around some of the most pressing challenges of our time: preserve and enhance biodiversity, reduce greenhouse gas emission emitted by cropping systems, reduce water use and environmental impact of crop protection.

Bayer CropScience is very excited to announce that by becoming a member of the Cool Farm Alliance, we're happily joining forces to develop meaningful impact metrics to drive on-farm sustainability, share ideas and best practices for sustainable agriculture metrics and actions.

Bird-friendly farm Management wants to create a global footprint of farmers and plant protein milling units strung along the world's migration flyways so that farmland birds have climate-resilient safe haven throughout the year. The company is producing plant-based prote

in and sharing profits with supplier farmers who adopt regenerative and wildlife-friendly agricultural practices. Through this, they aim to restore landscapes, soils, communities and wildlife at scale.

Bird-friendly Farm Management joined the Cool Farm Alliance to strengthen their reporting and verification capabilities, to help farmers generate additional revenues from climate-friendly farming and building soil carbon, and to share their activities with others members of the CFA.


Biocode, an initiative of Finland's Association of ProAgria Centres, is supporting Finnish farmers with climate action on-the-ground and managing reporting to the nine regional ProAgria Centres, public authorities, partners and the general public.

Biocode has become a member of the Cool Farm Alliance to be able to work together in creating solutions for climate-smart farming, an essential driver in Finland reaching carbon-neutrality by 2035, and helping limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius or well below 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. Biocode plans to pilot the use of the Cool Farm Tool in the Fall of 2020 with the intention to support the climate action of thousands of farms in the future.

Ernesto Hartikainen, CEO of Biocode on their ambitions: 'I believe farmers can play a major role in the fight against climate change by not only reducing emissions resulting from crop and livestock production but also becoming carbon farmers and proactively increasing carbon sinks. We urgently need sets of new tools such as the Cool Farm Tool to be able to analyse, report and incentivise action for decarbonising food production.'

Boortmalt is the world's leading malting company with over 3 million tonnes production capacity. It is a global organization with its headquarters in Antwerp and malting facilities in Europe, Australia, Canada, Latin America and Ethiopia. Boortmalt's customer base consists of both beer brewers and whiskey distillers, large and small, around the world.

In the words of Boortmalt's CEO Yvan Schaepman: 'At Boortmalt, sustainable development is more than a duty, it is a passion''. There is a robust sustainability program in place within the organization, but the scope is seen as much broader. It is an end-to-end supply chain concept, commencing with the production of excellent quality malting barley.

This means the need for close cooperation with the growers. Boortmalt is rolling out the Cool Farm Tool (CO₂ calculator) in co-operation with the farmer network, as part of Boortmalt's and their customers' sustainability programs. An insight into the environmental performance of Boortmalt's agricultural supply chain will allow the company to set a baseline and develop improvement strategies to reduce the emissions in malting barley production.'

Muddy Boots Software is delighted to join the Cool Farm Alliance. We work with a wide range of companies across the food supply chain – from farmer to retailer – including several Alliance members. Our mission is to help our customers produce safer, more sustainable food by offering digital technology that delivers insights on sustainability performance, drives better decisions, and enables collaboration across global supply chains.

Integration of the Cool Farm Tool is a natural fit for our solutions as farmers and agronomists already use them to manage the performance of growing systems, as well as for supplier sustainability data collection and assurance. We plan to use the API to allow our customers to perform sustainability evaluations from within our software – making it easy to discover improvement opportunities and to measure the success of sustainability programmes within their supply chains and their own operations.

The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-profit organization working to protect forests, improve the livelihoods of farmers, workers and forest communities, by promoting their human rights and helping them mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis.

In June 2020, the Rainforest Alliance will publish and start to roll out its 2020 Certification Program (including the Sustainable Agriculture Standard) which is a unique opportunity to change the way certification works and how it delivers value to the many people and businesses around the world.


The Rainforest Alliance 2020 Standard promotes the development of strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on farms, by looking at the main sources of emissions in production and processing activities such as fossil fuels and electricity, fertilizers, land use change, waste and wastewater. The self-selected criteria on greenhouse gases emissions reduction is improvement focused as well as practical.

As a result, the organization has joined the Cool Farm Alliance to offer the GHG, Water and Biodiversity metrics of the Cool Farm Tool (CFT) as one option for monitoring and evaluating GHG impacts. Farmers can enter the data requested in various criteria in the Farming and Environment chapters of the standard. Based on this, they can use the tool to monitor progress, assess whether their GHG reduction strategy is effective, understand which of the sustainable agricultural practices have the biggest impact on emissions and how this might benefit yields, soil health, biodiversity, costs and reduced inputs.

Royal Agrifirm Group is a cooperative that delivers measurable, relevant and sustainable value to farm, field and industry level. Founded over 120 years ago in the Netherlands, Royal Agrifirm Group is now a leading agricultural cooperative with an international network of subsidiaries and a worldwide distribution network. We offer our customers the best solutions for the challenges they face every day with high-quality animal feeds, premixes, concentrates, mineral mixes, additives for the animal feed industry, crop cultivation products, animal and crop-specific digital solutions.

Joining the Cool Farm Alliance fits our sustainability ambitions. The Cool Farm Tool will be very useful to identify drivers, modelling and understanding pathways to sustainable improvements. It will enable us to work on GHG-emission reduction targets and on measuring and monitoring water, soil quality and biodiversity using robust methods that are sensitive to farm and field-scale management choices.

July 15, 2020

Read this Press Release as a PDF: 2020 New Member Press Release

The Washington State Academy of Sciences (WSAS) is pleased to announce 21 new members, recognizing their outstanding record of scientific and technical achievement and their willingness to work on behalf of the Academy to bring the best available science to bear on issues within the state of Washington.

The 2020 class of new members is composed of 17 new elected members and 4 new members from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine who live or work in Washington State. These new members bring diverse expertise and experience to WSAS.

New members will be inducted at the 13th Annual Members' Meeting on September 10, 2020.

Individuals directly elected by the WSAS membership:

Nancy Allbritton, Frank & Julie Jungers Dean and Professor, College of Engineering, University of Washington

For outstanding contributions to the design and application of microtechnologies to biomedical research, leadership in interdisciplinary research and education, and entrepreneurial excellence.

Nathan Baker, PNNL Laboratory Fellow/UW-PNNL Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

For technical expertise evidenced by data science projects for NIH and other government sponsors, as well as leadership in signature discovery research, including projects in machine learning, decision support, risk analysis, and signal processing with applications in bioforensics, soil microbiomes, and nuclear non-proliferation.

Timothy Baszler, Professor, Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health, Washington State University

Free Chip New Member 2020 2021

For leadership in laboratory systems for the detection and prompt confirmation of pathogen emergence and spread at the state, national, and global levels, and for providing the evidence base for control of emergent animal diseases as Executive Director of the Washington Animal Diseases Diagnostic Laboratory.

Kelly Brayton, Professor, Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University

For ground-breaking research which has generated foundational genome information for important animal pathogens capable of causing significant illness in humans and animals, for internationally recognized research on tick-borne pathogens, and for advances in intracellular pathogen biology, transcriptomics, and immune evasion mechanisms.

Laura Griner Hill, Professor of Human Development and Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Affairs, Washington State University

For contributions to a significant shift in the field of prevention toward the study of how to effectively implement, evaluate, and scale up prevention programs, thereby significantly decreasing risk of substance abuse among youth at a population level.

John Hooper, Senior Principal – Director of Earthquake Engineering, Magnusson Klemencic Associates, Inc.

For exemplary contributions and tireless efforts in advancing the seismic design provisions of building codes; for advancing performance-based seismic design; and, for innovative seismic design of large, iconic projects in the Western United States and in seismic zones around the world.

Christine Luscombe, Robert J. Campbell Development Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Professor of Chemistry, University of Washington

For the development of controlled polymerization reactions for conjugated polymers, especially alkyl-thiophenes, for organic electronics applications.

Alair MacLean, Professor of Sociology, Washington State University

For significant contributions to the study of veterans of the armed forces serving in war and peace time, and contributions to understanding who serves and how military service shapes their lives with respect to their employment and earnings, as well as physical and mental health across the life course.

Marc Mangel, Distinguished Professor of Applied Math and Statistics, University of California, Santa Cruz (retired)

For a scientific career dedicated to use of quantitative methods to address ecological and evolutionary problems in the conservation and management of living natural resources.

Michael McDonell, Professor, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Washington State University

For exceptional work developing treatment protocols that improve the lives of individuals who are negatively impacted by drug and alcohol misuse–especially those individuals in underrepresented populations.

2020 chip notice

Sterling McPherson, Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Research and Director of Biostatistics and Clinical Trial Design, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Washington State University

For exceptional national and internationally acclaimed contributions to addiction science, with an emphasis on co-addiction treatment development and the integration of technology into novel behavioral and pharmacotherapeutic treatments for substance use disorders, and his fostering of academic-industry partnerships.

Katrina Mealey, Professor and Associate Dean for Research, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University

For widely acclaimed expertise in pharmacogenetics, and particularly for engaging in creative activities that have benefited veterinary medicine both locally and worldwide, leading to patents, work on national and international committees and advisory panels, and many influential published works.

David Montgomery, Professor, Department of Earth & Space Sciences, University of Washington

For fundamental contributions to geomorphology, for the elucidation of soils, rivers, and landscapes as underpinnings of ecological systems and human societies, and for reaching broad audiences through trade books on agriculture, microbes, creationism, and fisheries.

Sue Moore, Center for Ecosystem Sentinels, University of Washington

For contributions to the understanding of Arctic marine ecosystems and pioneering the integration of Conventional Science (CS) and Indigenous Knowledge (IK) to yield better policy decisions.

2020 Chip Notice

Philip Rasch, Chief Scientist & Laboratory Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


The Rainforest Alliance 2020 Standard promotes the development of strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on farms, by looking at the main sources of emissions in production and processing activities such as fossil fuels and electricity, fertilizers, land use change, waste and wastewater. The self-selected criteria on greenhouse gases emissions reduction is improvement focused as well as practical.

As a result, the organization has joined the Cool Farm Alliance to offer the GHG, Water and Biodiversity metrics of the Cool Farm Tool (CFT) as one option for monitoring and evaluating GHG impacts. Farmers can enter the data requested in various criteria in the Farming and Environment chapters of the standard. Based on this, they can use the tool to monitor progress, assess whether their GHG reduction strategy is effective, understand which of the sustainable agricultural practices have the biggest impact on emissions and how this might benefit yields, soil health, biodiversity, costs and reduced inputs.

Royal Agrifirm Group is a cooperative that delivers measurable, relevant and sustainable value to farm, field and industry level. Founded over 120 years ago in the Netherlands, Royal Agrifirm Group is now a leading agricultural cooperative with an international network of subsidiaries and a worldwide distribution network. We offer our customers the best solutions for the challenges they face every day with high-quality animal feeds, premixes, concentrates, mineral mixes, additives for the animal feed industry, crop cultivation products, animal and crop-specific digital solutions.

Joining the Cool Farm Alliance fits our sustainability ambitions. The Cool Farm Tool will be very useful to identify drivers, modelling and understanding pathways to sustainable improvements. It will enable us to work on GHG-emission reduction targets and on measuring and monitoring water, soil quality and biodiversity using robust methods that are sensitive to farm and field-scale management choices.

July 15, 2020

Read this Press Release as a PDF: 2020 New Member Press Release

The Washington State Academy of Sciences (WSAS) is pleased to announce 21 new members, recognizing their outstanding record of scientific and technical achievement and their willingness to work on behalf of the Academy to bring the best available science to bear on issues within the state of Washington.

The 2020 class of new members is composed of 17 new elected members and 4 new members from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine who live or work in Washington State. These new members bring diverse expertise and experience to WSAS.

New members will be inducted at the 13th Annual Members' Meeting on September 10, 2020.

Individuals directly elected by the WSAS membership:

Nancy Allbritton, Frank & Julie Jungers Dean and Professor, College of Engineering, University of Washington

For outstanding contributions to the design and application of microtechnologies to biomedical research, leadership in interdisciplinary research and education, and entrepreneurial excellence.

Nathan Baker, PNNL Laboratory Fellow/UW-PNNL Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

For technical expertise evidenced by data science projects for NIH and other government sponsors, as well as leadership in signature discovery research, including projects in machine learning, decision support, risk analysis, and signal processing with applications in bioforensics, soil microbiomes, and nuclear non-proliferation.

Timothy Baszler, Professor, Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health, Washington State University

Free Chip New Member 2020 2021

For leadership in laboratory systems for the detection and prompt confirmation of pathogen emergence and spread at the state, national, and global levels, and for providing the evidence base for control of emergent animal diseases as Executive Director of the Washington Animal Diseases Diagnostic Laboratory.

Kelly Brayton, Professor, Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University

For ground-breaking research which has generated foundational genome information for important animal pathogens capable of causing significant illness in humans and animals, for internationally recognized research on tick-borne pathogens, and for advances in intracellular pathogen biology, transcriptomics, and immune evasion mechanisms.

Laura Griner Hill, Professor of Human Development and Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Affairs, Washington State University

For contributions to a significant shift in the field of prevention toward the study of how to effectively implement, evaluate, and scale up prevention programs, thereby significantly decreasing risk of substance abuse among youth at a population level.

John Hooper, Senior Principal – Director of Earthquake Engineering, Magnusson Klemencic Associates, Inc.

For exemplary contributions and tireless efforts in advancing the seismic design provisions of building codes; for advancing performance-based seismic design; and, for innovative seismic design of large, iconic projects in the Western United States and in seismic zones around the world.

Christine Luscombe, Robert J. Campbell Development Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Professor of Chemistry, University of Washington

For the development of controlled polymerization reactions for conjugated polymers, especially alkyl-thiophenes, for organic electronics applications.

Alair MacLean, Professor of Sociology, Washington State University

For significant contributions to the study of veterans of the armed forces serving in war and peace time, and contributions to understanding who serves and how military service shapes their lives with respect to their employment and earnings, as well as physical and mental health across the life course.

Marc Mangel, Distinguished Professor of Applied Math and Statistics, University of California, Santa Cruz (retired)

For a scientific career dedicated to use of quantitative methods to address ecological and evolutionary problems in the conservation and management of living natural resources.

Michael McDonell, Professor, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Washington State University

For exceptional work developing treatment protocols that improve the lives of individuals who are negatively impacted by drug and alcohol misuse–especially those individuals in underrepresented populations.

Sterling McPherson, Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Research and Director of Biostatistics and Clinical Trial Design, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Washington State University

For exceptional national and internationally acclaimed contributions to addiction science, with an emphasis on co-addiction treatment development and the integration of technology into novel behavioral and pharmacotherapeutic treatments for substance use disorders, and his fostering of academic-industry partnerships.

Katrina Mealey, Professor and Associate Dean for Research, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University

For widely acclaimed expertise in pharmacogenetics, and particularly for engaging in creative activities that have benefited veterinary medicine both locally and worldwide, leading to patents, work on national and international committees and advisory panels, and many influential published works.

David Montgomery, Professor, Department of Earth & Space Sciences, University of Washington

For fundamental contributions to geomorphology, for the elucidation of soils, rivers, and landscapes as underpinnings of ecological systems and human societies, and for reaching broad audiences through trade books on agriculture, microbes, creationism, and fisheries.

Sue Moore, Center for Ecosystem Sentinels, University of Washington

For contributions to the understanding of Arctic marine ecosystems and pioneering the integration of Conventional Science (CS) and Indigenous Knowledge (IK) to yield better policy decisions.

2020 Chip Notice

Philip Rasch, Chief Scientist & Laboratory Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

For furthering knowledge about long-term impacts of human activities on climate and natural resources, improving the ability to model and predict climate change at regional and global scales, and for leadership in atmospheric science, acting as a resource for environmental stewardship and policy in Washington State.

Qin Zhang, Professor, Director of the Center for Precision & Automated Agricultural Systems, Washington State University

For contributions leading to the adoption of automation technologies to agricultural production, a recognizable contribution to core technology development for intelligent farming machinery and smart agriculture and pioneering the emerging science frontier by the proposed study of agricultural cybernetics.

Ning Zheng, Professor, Department of Pharmacology, University of Washington

For exceptional contributions to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which ubiquitin ligases, as a new class of enzymes, control protein ubiquitination in human physiology and diseases, as well as plant growth and development.

Washington residents selected by virtue of their election to the National Academies of Sciences (NAS), Engineering (NAE), or Medicine (NAM):

Elizabeth Halloran, Professor, University of Washington; Director, Center for Inference and Dynamics of Infectious Diseases, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; NAM, 2019

For pioneering work in the field of designing and analyzing vaccine studies, including studies of HIV vaccines and innovative use of mathematical and statistical methods to study infectious disease.

Steven L. Kramer, Professor, University of Washington; NAE, 2020

For contributions to geotechnical earthquake engineering, including liquefaction, seismic stability, and seismic site response.

Ronald Klemencic, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Magnusson Klemencic Associates, Inc; NAE, 2020

For innovation in the design of high-rise buildings worldwide and for research and design guidelines to advance structural engineering practices.

Karl N. Fleming, President, KNF Consulting Services LLC; NAE, 2020

Lays New Chips 2020

For contributions to probabilistic risk assessment methods and their application to enhance the safety of nuclear power facilities.

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